Betta Hammocks, Betta Logs, Flow Reducer Nozzles and more BLEMISHED ITEMS that need love

Save us from the landfill 🙁



These items need a bit more love. not every print turns out good enough to send to customers. so these are up here as an opportunity to get some items at a great deal, and keep them out of the landfill:

Betta Hamocks:
Lavender with blue spot on floats
Green with blue green stripe

Large Betta Log: may float…might be a cave instead.
Wood Brown -first layer delamination, sinking
Blue -First layer delamination, buoyant

Flow Reducers:
1/2” LocLine UV Neon orange
Spec and Evo 1/3/5 gallon UV Neon orange

Copepod Hotels:
all have stringing and gloving from testing different programs, part size, and nozzle sizes. First order gets the 2 blobby copepod inserts

Shrimp Grills:
White: Melting on bottom layers from support material
Black: corner delamination on first layer

Made with reef safe PET and UV reactive filaments made here in the USA

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